Wednesday, May 27, 2009


So, I'm definitely putting off work by blogging today. But isn't that what this whole crazy thing is all about?! Oh, yeah, and sharing info about yourself....and I guess getting replies so you can learn about others.

Well, whatever. I'm still putting off work.

I have a new program starting tonight. At least I hope it starts tonight. I am starting a youth choir at my church. It was really what I was hired to do, and it's only taken me a year to get around to doing it!

I'm really excited to have some high school age kids singing in my company. It's what I really went to school to do. So, it seems more exciting when I get to use my knowledge that I'm now paying a small mortgage for and will be for the next 80 years.

The centerpiece of the songs I've picked out for the choir is "Imagine." That old John Lennon song just kept coming back to me whenever I would think of the youth choir. I really like the words and I think they are relevant to what's going on in culture and in the world today. I think it's also a message that the youth could really sell when singing.

To quote: "Imagine no possesions. I wonder if you can. No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man." I think those two phrases are great. First, because I work in a church in a very affluent area. West Des Moines is where the money is. Johnston is where there's even more. I have kids from both cities coming here. I think it's important to remind ourselves that giving things up is really worth it.

Especially if giving "things" up would cure two things: greed and hunger.

A lot of the service projects that my church does have to do with hunger. I've never been more aware of hunger than I am now, working here. We give to the food pantry with monthly selected items. For instance, this month is spaghetti and sauce. We raise countless dollars for food banks around our area. We took part this year in a 3-month project called "We Can" sponsored by DMARC (the Des Moines Area Religious Council).

This was a challenge for many churches in our area to produce 29,000 cans of food all together. Why 29,000? Because the World Health Organization said in 2008, that's how many children die each day of hunger.

The congregation here raised 2,000. There was a moment the week before the final celebration of food that the head of this project thought they weren't going to raise enough cans. They exceeded their goal and had 31,000 food items donated!

I've definitely left my topic of youth choir, but I think that the youth choir is a great way to instill those social justice topics and interfaith alliances that we promote at Walnut Hills so much. Back on topic, I hope that the youth choir goes well tonight. Even if there are two kids, I am hoping to still keep it going. Wish me luck!

Question: What have you given up lately for charity?

1 comment:

  1. How did it go? I'm glad you're starting this group! And I completely agree about the charity part!

    Lately, I've given up wasting money on a Weight Watchers membership so we can sponsor a child through Compassion International. And I always take food when our church collects for the food pantry.
